Monday, March 24, 2008

The Script

$dqlrun = $args[0]
$SelectStatement = @()
$SelectStatement += "$dqlrun"
$SelectStatement += "go"
$presult = $selectstatement [path to idql32.exe] [repository name, credentials, etc.] where-object {$_ -notlike "*row affected*"} where-object {$_ -notlike "*rows affected*"}
$result = @()
$split = @($presult[1].split(" ",[StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries))
$headers = @()
$numbers = @()
$start = 0
for ($i=0; $i -lt $split.length)
$length = $split[$i].length
$column = $presult[0].substring($start,$length)
$column = $column.trimend()
$headers += $column
$temp = @($start,$length)
$numbers += $temp
$start = $start + $length + 2
for ($a=2; $a -lt $presult.length)
$listitem = new-object psobject
$f = 0
for ($i=0; $i -lt $headers.length)
$value = $presult[$a].substring($numbers[$f],$numbers[$f+1])
$value = $value.trimend()
$listitem add-member -membertype noteproperty -name $headers[$i] -value $value
$f = $f+2
$result += $listitem
write-output $result

Output from this script should be a PowerShell object with the results of a Documentum Select statement that you pass it.

1 comment:

Nathan said...

David, I just ran across your blog today and I am very happy that I have. Like you I am very new to DCTM while being the "guy" for my organization. And like you I have learned to value the power and flexibility of powershell. Marrying the two together however, is not something I had figured out how to do. Though I am just now pursuing your script I know that I will be using it very regularly in the near future.

Keep up the great posts!